Our beautiful colors include:

Listed in alphabetical order.

African White, Brown, Bronze, Buff Dundotte,

Chocolate, Copper, Coral Blue, Lavender, Pastel,

Pearl Gray, Pied, Royal Purple, Slate & Violet

We only raise game birds at our hatchery.

We allow our flock to free range daily

but they are always cooped at night.

All of our hens are trained to lay in our coop.

We are a NPIP certified flock.

Our birds have tested clean for

Avian Influenza (AI) AGID

and Salmonella Pullorum (Typhoid).

All birds are healthy and free of disease.

Guinea Fowl Color Chart

* Bio-Security * Feed * Barnyard * Our Flock * Shelter * Therapy * Training *

If You Wish to Contact Us

Please Message, Scott & Sharon @ sandshaven.

Have a Great Day!

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